

Hi my name is Jessica.  I have created this blog to document our journey of raising a vegan + baby.  So let's start at the beginning.

I got married to the man of my dreams Mark, nearly 2 years ago at The Raven at Lora Bay on beautiful lake Huron:

We had the vacation of our lives (aka honeymoon) in Barbados (highly recommend if you have never been ;-)

 Always time for a little yoga even on vacation while sight seeing...

Before I talk about the birds and the bees I want to tell you alittle bit more about myself as I spent nearly a decade in university.  I have been a Registered Nurse for nearly 10 years, more recently I have completed my Masters Degree in The Science of Nursing and Health Promotion and the Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner program. My practice is mainly mom's and babies and when it comes nutrition I am passionate. I am newly back to work after finishing an incredible year off for my maturity leave, I am working part time to find the balance between my family and work and so far it is working.

The Inspiration for this Blog: JULIA ANN DELANEY

3 days before we meet our little hunny girl (YES we knew that we were having a girl hence the pink wall of her nursery) and 15 minuets after she was born... with a full head of hair that keep growing 7lb8oz, 19"

 This is Julia a few weeks ago when she turned the big "ONE YEAR"

So in essence this blog documents our journey of raising a vegan + baby. I hope to inspire you to provide simply pure nutrition for you little one's (and yourself). I will discuss everything from how to introduce foods, to selecting and making baby foods, baby tested recipes and address the controversies of raising a vegan + baby.

Other things about me:

I plan on getting my PhD (maybe when Julia starts school)

-          Sundays they are our “family” day
-          Exercising (will post more about that at a later date) my 2 fav’s are jogging with Julia in her stroller and “baby” zumba or belly-dancing with Julia in the carrier (and yoga with my husband is on the top of my list also)
-          Cooking and experimenting in the kitchen
-          Writing, have had a lifelong dream of publishing a book
-          Outdoor adventures
-          Gardening (well I haven’t done any yet but we are going to be starting a garden this year and I am sure that I will love it)

 There you have it all about me in a nutshell.

Any comments or questions please email me