
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Baby's 1st "Gwanola"

Well I recently turned the big “30” it seems to be one of those b-day’s with a lotta stigma attached to it… we must remember that it is only a number, people are living longer healthier lives then ever before so 30 is really the new “20” haha well that is my story and I am sticking to it.

It is funny how every year we have a birthday, we are one year older, and one year wiser but it really isn’t until you have a child that you see it, they are a reminder of age as they grow-up you become more aware of your own age… at least that is something that I notice. It’s also a great time to reflect on the previous year which brings me to the side by side St. Patty’s day picture comparison let’s just say that Julia was not even close to fitting in the hat this year… yes that is a guiness in her hand we (well actually she) thought that it would be a funny surprise for daddy.

Without further a do... here we have Baby's 1st granola... this puppy went through many trials (which my husband loved) all of them were good with minor variations and the key that I found was actually cooking it less, Julia actually really likes it to eat with her fingers or sprinkled on her fruit smoothie.  It is loaded with nutrients, protein, iron and fibre making it a perfect way to start your day.
Simply Pure Baby’s 1st ‘Gwanola’

1 ½ cup large flake oatmeal
½  cup kasha (toasted buckwheat)
¼ cup quinoa
3 tbsp sesame seeds
2 tbsp ground flax
2 tsp cinnamon
½ cup raisins or cranberries
2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted (other oil would work)
½ cup of pure maple syrup (BRS* or honey may work also – remember though no honey until after 12 months, we have decided to wait till 2 years if then as it is one of those on the fence vegan things)

1)      Preheat oven to 250F.  Mix oats, kasha, quinoa, sesame seeds, flax and cinnamon in a large bowl
2)      Mix in oil and maple syrup until combined, put into a shallow glass baking dish and place in oven for 20-25min, stirring after 15min - it will still look wet when it is done it dries and becomes crunchy as it cools I aimed to make this a "softer" granola if you want it crunchier cook it longer.
3)      Scoop granola into a bowl toss in raisins or cranberries stir until mixed and volia you have baby’s 1st granola, works as a finger food refining that pincer grip or a perfect nutritious topping to yogurt or fruit smoothies.

*BRS = brown rice syrup

There are multiple variations that I am going to continue to experiment with so feel free to mix it up you add a little more punch for mom and dad by adding some chopped almonds or sunflower seeds. Do you have any favorite granola combos? Have you ever made granola before?

Sounds like old man winter is coming back tonight... it wouldn't be spring if we didn't get at least one more snow fall haha...

I now conclude with a little quote "Life is not measured in the breathes we take it is measured in the number of moments that take our breath away" - seeing my daughters face light up is one of those moments...

 Waking up to flowers on the table is another one of those moments...
In the past week have you had any moments that have taken your breath away? 

Happy Tuesday and I will be back very soon with Baby's 1st Chili or Falafel Marbles... hmmmm ;-) 

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