
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Simply Pure’s Baby’s 1st “Gwam Cwackers”

PB + Banana "Gwam Cwaker" Smores

 As babies grow into toddlers in every sense of the way they can become more reserved at trying new things as they find comfort in things (and people) they know... but this doesn't mean sticking to the same meal and snack routines, it is important to continue to offer a variety of different foods (remembering the 3 or 4 day wait rule of course)... so lately we have noticed Julia becoming very independent with her eating so a few weeks ago I made these graham crackers we tried one a day for about 3 days, she showed little interested then took a few days off and when we returned to them she ate the entire thing and probably would have ate more... morale of the story if at first your baby refuses try, try again... research varies but it can take anywhere from 7-12 times before you child really gets into something.

These are a perfect not to sweet cracker/cookie for baby/toddler (or a great 3 o'clock snack for mom or dad), high in fibre and iron (from molasses).  When I was making these it reminded me of ginger bread cookies I think because of the smell of molasses, speaking of which did you know that molasses is not only a good source of iron it is also a good source of calcium and magnesium, unlike other sweeteners it also adds flavour and doesn’t cause a spike in blood sugar (and it also contains fewer calories than other sweeteners) more on this coming as I will give a thorough overview of sweeteners… Sweeten What? How? One final thing about molasses is make sure you buy “sulphite free”.

So here we have it…

Simply Pure’s Baby’s 1st “Gwam Cwackers”

1 ½ cup whole wheat flour + some for counter
½ cup 100% bran
3 tbsp brown syrup
¼ cup MS*
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tbsp ground flax
1/4 cup EVOO
3 tbsp molasses
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup non-dairy milk (I used fortified soy)

*MS = maple syrup

1)      Preheat oven to 350F.  Mix flour, bran, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon and flax in a bowl, stir in syrup, molasses, evoo, vanilla and milk, mix well.
2)      Place dough on lightly floured counter, and you may need to dust additional flour on top of dough so it doesn’t stick to rolling pin (or you may line counter with parchment paper I found this was more difficult to roll out), roll out till about 1/8” thin, cut rough edges so you have a rectangle to work with cut into 8-10 large squares, or desired shapes transfer to cookie sheet with a spatula score across the centre of the cracker with a fork (this will allow the cracker to break apart after cooking).  Use the scraps of dough to roll back out and make a few more cookies.  

3)      Bake 10-12 min, put on wire rack for cooling and perfect for an anytime snack (in the photos at the beginning we made PB + banana smores delish!! would also be great with homemade jam) also freeze well!!
Upcoming... Baby's 1st Carrot/Oatmeal Cookie lip smacking goodness and the long awaited Chili and Flafels.... and this... any guesses??

Looks like some spring'ish temperatures coming our way this week enjoy... questions of the day...

Do you always try your baby's food before you give it to them?  Will you give your baby food that you don't eat or don't like? What new foods has your baby had in the past week?

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